CEPID 2013-2024
Website: www.brainn.org.br
Principal investigator: Fernando Cendes
Education and knowledge diffusion coordinator: Gabriela Castelhano
Technology transfer coordinator: Roberto José Maria Covolan
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
Faculdade de Ciência Médica
Laboratório de Neuroimagem
Rua Vital Brasil, 251 2º andar
13083-888 - Campinas, SP - Brasil
Center for Information Technology Renato Archer (CTI)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France
Federal University of ABC (UFABC)
Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP)
Phillips University, Germany
São Paulo State University (UNESP)
University College London (UCL), United Kingdom
University of Erlangen, Germany
Université de Montréal, Canada
BV-FAPESP: research projects supported in this Center
BRAINN in the Media: news about the Center
The Brazilian Research Institute for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (BRAINN) studies epilepsy and stroke, and the injury mechanisms that follow disease onset and progression. This research has important applications regarding prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, and will serve as a model for better understanding normal and abnormal brain function. The driving force of this RIDC came from the need to approach these relevant and complex biological problems by combining the expertise of research groups with distinct and complementary backgrounds.
One of the many aspects that demonstrate the characteristic complexity associated with research on epilepsy and stroke is the fact that such conditions are not uniquely defined, which means that these conditions cannot be traced to a single disease or a unique syndrome. Therefore, collaborative research needs to be conducted by scientists with expertise in a variety of fields, driven by solid scientific theories in order to provide relevant applications in the real world.
The Center’s research science seeks to be clinically important, realistic, and highly original, combining genetics, neurobiology, pharmacology, neuroimaging, computer sciences, robotics, physics, and engineering. Its outcome will benefit patients suffering from epilepsy, stroke, and other prevalent diseases and will substantially contribute to ongoing scientific discussions within the areas of neurology, psychiatry, and cognitive neuroscience.
The proposed collaboration between BRAINN and other major neuroscience groups will further advance the knowledge that is directly relevant to all who suffer from these devastating neurological conditions.
Using a single-cell sequencing technique, it was possible to characterize the different cell types present in the brain lesion. The result paves the way for specific treatments against focal cortical dysplasia.
WHO advisory group publishes first article in scientific journal outlining challenges and actions that can help make the field more equitable and promote progress in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, including rare ones.
More than 29 thousand patients were analyzed and 26 areas of the genome associated with the disorder were identified; Brazil was the only Latin American representative through the Brazilian Institute of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology of the State University of Campinas.
Brazilian researchers analyzed data from MRI scans and various tests to detect biological alterations linked to the neurological symptoms most reported by patients, especially anxiety, depression, sleepiness and fatigue. The latest results were presented to the ninth edition of BRAINN Congress.
First study to identify pixel and voxel organizational parameters in MRI scans of two different (albeit similar) benign tumors may contribute to development of more accurate, less invasive diagnosis.
Research by groups at the University of São Paulo and the State University of Campinas combined MRI scans of the brains of mild COVID-19 patients, analysis of brain tissue from people who died of the disease and experiments on human nerve cells infected in the laboratory.
Scientists at a FAPESP-funded research center reprogrammed skin cells from patients with epilepsy to differentiate into cortical organoids with hallmarks of the malformation known as focal cortical dysplasia.
Brazilian researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess 86 volunteers who had moderate COVID-19 and compared the results with those of uninfected volunteers. Preliminary findings have not yet been published but were presented during a conference held at the University of Campinas.