An international team including virologists, physicians, epidemiologists, clinicians, physicists and statisticians has discovered new mechanisms related to central nervous system infection in fatal cases of the infection. The results were published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe.
After inducing mutations in the genotypes of mice and analyzing their effects on several generations of descendants, Brazilian and American researchers mapped the genetic determinants essential to an understanding of cardiovascular disease. Their findings are published in the journal Science Advances.
Patricia LoRusso, President of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), gave Agência FAPESP an exclusive interview during a visit to Brazil. She spoke about the importance of attracting early-career researchers to oncology, the future of clinical cancer research, and potential new discoveries in the field.
Bacteria, fungi and archaea living in the soil provide several ecosystem services, including carbon storage, and help restore native characteristics. The result contributes to advances in sustainable agriculture, one of the key points for this year’s G20 meetings.
Described in the journal Scientific Reports, the research was conducted at SPARCBio, a center established by FAPESP and biological control company Koppert at the University of São Paulo’s Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture.
The device was developed by researchers at the University of São Paulo’s Heart Institute (INCOR) and a Brazilian company with FAPESP’s support. It is biocompatible and offers other advantages over the imported product used hitherto.
Brazilian and British researchers analyzed data for 1,747 older participants tracked by ELSA over a period of 12 years, and mapped the different routes that can lead to a negative outcome. They advocate use of their findings by policymakers.
For three months, Brazilian researchers tracked 74 patients submitted to 12 sessions lasting 15 minutes each and observed remission of symptoms. The ancient Chinese practice had no side effects, according to an article on the study published in JAMA Network Open.
Researchers at the Federal University of São Carlos found that glitter’s metal coating reduced the amount of light penetrating water bodies and hence impaired photosynthesis by the Large-flowered waterweed Egeria densa. The problem may impact primary producer organisms at the bottom of the food chain, they warn.
An interdisciplinary approach tested at the Federal University of São Paulo combined clinical, nutritional, psychological and exercise counseling. The intervention involved remote and in-person sessions, favoring adherence and lowering the cost to the health system.
The report was written by 53 academic and government specialists, 12 young researchers, and 26 representatives of Indigenous and traditional communities. It aims to be useful to policymakers and to raise the general public’s awareness of the importance of protecting the ocean and coastline.
The opossum was found dead in a park in the center of Campinas, a large city in São Paulo state (Brazil), with the same viral variant as fruit-eating bats. These mammals are regularly detected in cities, where they are often attacked by dogs, so they can be considered sentinel species for infectious disease surveillance.