Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
Brazilian scientific production in mathematics has a high impact and worldwide recognition. The knowledge created in the field must now be leveraged to fuel new businesses, innovations and job creation, according to the participants in a workshop co-organized by the Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry.
Obesity and Comorbidities Research Center
The blood test method makes use of machine learning and can be used to predict whether patients will put on weight, unless they change their habits. The project was conducted in Brazil with funding from FAPESP.
Center for Research and Development of Functional Materials
Research led by a Brazilian scientist facilitates the analysis of materials comprising a large number of three-dimensionally structured atoms, such as barium molybdate, with potential applications in luminescence and organic compound degradation.
Obesity and Comorbidities Research Center
Experiments performed by Brazilian scientists showed that Zika virus inhibits tumor cell proliferation even when inactivated by high temperature. The study was supported by FAPESP and published in Scientific Reports.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
Partnering with scientists at Harvard, a group of Brazilians affiliated with the Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases (CRID), supported by FAPESP, described the mechanisms that cause hair color loss in extreme situations.
Human Genome and Stem-Cell Research Center
Technique developed at Human Genome and Stem Cell Research Center, funded by FAPESP and hosted by the University of São Paulo, produced hepatic tissue in the laboratory in only 90 days and could become an alternative to organ transplantation in future.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
A Brazilian team at FAPESP-supported Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases identified the strategy used by immune cells to combat the pathogen Mayaro virus, which causes symptoms similar to those of chikungunya fever. These results pave the way for the development of drugs.
Center for Research and Development of Functional Materials
Researchers at a Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center supported by FAPESP have created a composite with antifungal properties that are 32 times greater than those of silver by irradiating a metallic tungstate with electrons and femtosecond laser light.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
Phylogenomic analysis shows that pathogen isolated in Brazilian hospital does not belong to the genus Leishmania. Researchers are investigating whether this species alone can cause severe disease or intensifies symptoms in co-infected patients.
Center for Research on Redox Processes in Biomedicine
Oxide plays a key role in cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases as well as cancer. Experiments reveal a hitherto unknown mechanism underlying the formation of nitroso thiols.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
Using a systems biology approach, Brazilian researchers identified several genes that can be explored as therapeutic targets and as biomarkers of predisposition to chronic joint pain.
Center for Cell-Based Therapy
A study by researchers at the Center for Cell-Based Therapy, which is supported by FAPESP, identified microRNAs involved in pluripotency maintenance and cell differentiation. The discovery paves the way to the development of drugs capable of making ESCs regress to the earliest stage of development.
Center for Research, Teaching, and Innovation in Glass
A study by researchers affiliated with a research center supported by FAPESP can help scientists develop new glass and glass-ceramic materials and predict glass stability during use.
Center for Research, Teaching, and Innovation in Glass
Research center supported by FAPESP simplifies and cheapens the fabrication of glass-ceramic material that can be used in ocular prosthetics and dentin hypersensitivity treatment, among other applications.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
Scientists at the Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases (CRID) show why pediatric patients with sepsis suffer from more inflammation and organ injury than adults. New treatment strategies may be tested.
Center for Research and Development of Functional Materials
Use of a device created by the FAPESP-funded Center for Development of Functional Materials, could be made compulsory in Argentina, where 250 deaths from CO poisoning are reported each year.
Center for Research on Toxins, Immune-Response and Cell Signaling
A study by the FAPESP-funded Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center shows that toxins produced by young female stingrays cause more pain, whereas toxins produced by adult stingrays cause tissue necrosis.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
Graduate students and researchers from any country have until June 23 to apply for this event, which is supported by FAPESP and will take place at the University of São Paulo’s Ribeirão Preto Medical School in Brazil.
Brazilian Research Institute for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology
Implantable devices which could improve the quality of patients’ lives – Australian-made and still under tests – were presented to the congress of BRAINN, a FAPESP-funded Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center.