Obesity and Comorbidities Research Center
In a study conducted at a FAPESP-funded research center, a bile acid derivative known by the acronym TUDCA reduced food intake and increased energy expenditure in mice, improving quality of life. The results are promising for humans.
Center for Research and Innovation in Biodiversity and Drug Discovery
The point was stressed by participants in the 6th FAPESP 60 Years Conference, featuring experts from Brazil, the UK and the US who discussed the search for drugs to treat diseases that affect some 2 billion people worldwide.
Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
In a study of the underlying mathematical pattern associated with the reign of the Caesars, researchers at a FAPESP-supported center concluded that the chances of survival obeyed the 80/20 rule seen in many phenomena, from earthquake magnitudes to numbers of followers on social media.
Center for Research and Innovation in Biodiversity and Drug Discovery
Participants in a webinar held by FAPESP pointed to disorganization of the research ecosystem, lack of government planning and underinvestment as obstacles to drug development in Brazil.
Human Genome and Stem-Cell Research Center
The hypothesis was raised by scientists at a FAPESP-funded research center, on the basis of an epidemiological survey involving 1,744 Brazilian couples where at least one partner was infected.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
Many patients suffer from a significant decline in immunity lasting for years after they are discharged from hospital. In an article published in the journal Immunity, Brazilian researchers reveal why this happens.
Center for Research and Innovation in Biodiversity and Drug Discovery
Scientists at a FAPESP-funded research center investigated the mechanism that produces the main enzyme involved in the virus’s replication in cells. The findings are reported in the Journal of Molecular Biology.
Center for Cell-Based Therapy
A study conducted by researchers at the Center for Cell-Based Therapy in São Paulo state, Brazil, identified a genetic signature that can be used to predict whether patients should be submitted to radiation therapy.
Center for Research on Toxins, Immune-Response and Cell Signaling
In an article published in PNAS, researchers affiliated with Butantan Institute describe the genome of Bothrops jararaca and suggest the origin of genes responsible for toxins in its venom.
A group at the University of Campinas used protein mapping to show how abnormal levels of the neurotransmitter glutamate impair the functioning of neurons and oligodendrocytes. The findings could serve as a basis for more effective treatment.
Human Genome and Stem-Cell Research Center
Brazilian researchers studied the case of identical twins in which only one sibling was reinfected and developed complications after a second exposure to the virus. Their analysis showed that the adaptive immune response can be different even between individuals with the same genome.
Human Genome and Stem-Cell Research Center
A study by scientists at a FAPESP-supported research center analyzed genetic material from 86 couples in which only one spouse was infected. The results suggest that more frequent variants in the resistant spouses could lead to more efficient activation of natural killer (NK) cells, which are part of the innate immune system, the first barrier against infection.
Obesity and Comorbidities Research Center
In an article published in PLOS ONE, scientists at a FAPESP-supported research center describe the impact of hypoproteinemia on the expression of microRNAs associated with kidney development in rat embryos.
Center for Computational Engineering and Sciences
Researchers at the University of Campinas in Brazil reveal the mechanisms whereby SARS-CoV-2 disrupts the regulation of inflammation, coagulation and blood pressure when it infects alveolar cells, responsible for gas exchange in the lungs.
Center for Research, Teaching, and Innovation in Glass
A simple and affordable solution developed by researchers at the University of São Paulo and a Nigerian collaborator eliminates even multi-resistant bacteria. Clay, papaya seeds and banana peel are among the raw materials used by the group.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
A study by the University of São Paulo has discovered that when macrophages engulf cells infected by the novel coronavirus, they begin producing excessive amounts of pro-inflammatory molecules, and their capacity to recognize and phagocytize dead cells is reduced twelvefold.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
In a study of the effects of cigarette smoking on exacerbation of the disease, scientists at a FAPESP-supported research center identified a novel pathway in the inflammatory process relating to bone damage.