Antimicrobial Resistance Institute of São Paulo (Aries Project)
One of the raw materials studied by the group is cashew nut shell liquid, a by-product of oilseed processing; work was presented during FAPESP Week Italy.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
Through experiments in mice infected with a herpes virus, scientists identified an immune system sensor that recognizes viral fragments and activates neurons responsible for pain, independently of inflammation. The discovery paves the way for novel analgesic treatments.
Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics
The work was conducted at the University of São Paulo’s Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center in Neuromathematics; the results were published in Scientific Reports.
Center for Research on Biodiversity Dynamics and Climate Change
When the dust that covered the skies 66 million years ago prevented plants from photosynthesizing and benefited creatures that fed on decomposing organic matter, these insects selected species that could fill their nutrient void, confirms a study published in Science.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
The synthetic peptide was inspired by ACE2, the protein to which the virus that causes COVID-19 binds to invade human cells. The results point to a route for the development of novel antivirals.
Center for Research on Biodiversity Dynamics and Climate Change
Hurricane Maria killed so many Purple-throated caribs, sole pollinator of two species of heliconia, that other birds were able to gain access to the plants, according to an article in New Phytologist, which concludes that species extinction is a far more complex process than is often thought.
Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics
The technology was developed at the Research, Innovation, and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics in collaboration with scientists from Finland.
Center for Research on Biodiversity Dynamics and Climate Change
A member of the Center for Research on Biodiversity Dynamics and Climate Change, Mauro Galetti uses his experience from his undergraduate studies in biology to his most recent studies in ecology to tell stories in accessible language that inspire readers to fight for the planet.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
In PLOS Pathogens, researchers at the University of São Paulo in Brazil report a study based on autopsies of 47 patients who died after being infected by the ancestral strain of SARS-CoV-2. The findings will support clinical decisions on the treatment of critical cases.
Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases
Developed by a laboratory associated with the Center for Research in Inflammatory Diseases, “Conflitulus Lattes” – named after the Brazilian system of information on science and technology – helps avoid conflicts of interest in review panels.
Center for Research and Development of Functional Materials
An article reporting the study is featured on the cover of Nano Letters; the findings can help design next-generation electronic materials for the semiconductor and nanotechnology industry.
Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
The publication by André de Carvalho, a researcher at the Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry, is suitable for undergraduates, postgraduates, and professionals.
Center for Research on Redox Processes in Biomedicine
Alicia Kowaltowski, a member of the Research Center for Redox Processes in Biomedicine, is one of five researchers in the world to win the 2024 edition of the For Women in Science International Awards.
Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
Software based on statistical models detects sporting talent and allows athletes’ performance to be monitored. The tool was developed with the support of FAPESP.
Center for Research on Toxins, Immune-Response and Cell Signaling
Brazilian researchers innovated by stimulating tumor cells so much that they became stressed and could survive only by behaving like healthy cells. The results of the study were so promising that the researchers plan to hold clinical trials with patients, to be conducted in the Netherlands before the end of 2024.
Obesity and Comorbidities Research Center
In an article published in Nature Medicine, a group at the State University of Campinas stresses that Yanomami children are suffering the most severe nutritional deficit of any Indigenous community in the Americas and warns of long-term consequences for health.
Obesity and Comorbidities Research Center
By analyzing samples from obese non-diabetics, researchers from the State University of Campinas found that high blood levels of saturated fatty acids cause pre-activation of innate immune cells that, when infected with SARS-CoV-2, produce elevated levels of inflammatory molecules. Results were presented during FAPESP Week China.